Hair So Fly Wig Review : Sensationnel Empress Synthetic Lace Front Wig - Rain Maker


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HAIR SO FLY Shop Review : Sensationnel Empress Synthetic Lace Front Wig - Rain Maker




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I am here: okay with another, you did. This unit was provided to us by hair shop, so fly okay, so I am so excited to be collaborating with them and thank them for sending this unit to me this unit, okay, all big and hugger. All I've been into singing with my throat hurts, so bad is Rainmaker by sensation. Yeah, okay, I have her in a cover number one. This is the product. This unit is the part of the curl Kingston Co collection and she is super dude you'll be deep. Thick now you remember, I don't know some of you guys follow me on instagram. If you don't, you should azaria Zhi a 3-0 okay, you should follow me there, but I wore the half wig of this unit. This is the lace party parting of this unit. Scuse me, this is the lace unit I wore the half wing before I. I really don't want to say anything. I just want to lean in so full disclosure. The part it's a nice amount of party space is probably about three inches. I had to plug her and like get in there pluck her, because the way the hairs are there so frizzy, it's like a cankle, loin kind of texture. So if you, ladies, are familiar with be having your hair like crochet hair and how they do the hot rods to get the nice curls, this is what that is. Okay. This is what that is for the fraction of the cost. I'M obsessed, I don't really. I don't I'm obsessed. First of all, I ever really wear big hair first things. First, okay, second of all, are you filling me in big hair? Third of all, mm-hmm? Third of all, have you gotten to these nailed? Glam nails glam by Shea is coming through, but this unit right here this sensational unit Cersei's you down, come on baby, come on to the front. We we need to talk it's a little bit so some curls and kinks. It goes we need to iron out, but let's get into this unit, okay, she is probably about 14 16 inches length and 14 16 inches with. If you picking up what I'm putting down, I tried not to finger comb her too much. Okay, the curls come nice and curly like this one back here know if you guys can see that you see that, and then I just ran my finger through her. This unit is not flat. I see it says nowhere in the booklet that you can use heat on this, nowhere right so full disclosure. I did because when I first put her on my head yeah, that's what I'm gon na say when I first put her on my head. It was um yeah, so I actually went through. I put my wine pearl or on to a tea. Okay, and I just went through and warm this up a little bit and a better way to do it I'll show you guys. I have bobby pins in here. Just to keep her flat right, but when I flatten it down with my wine curler, I first put my bobby pin in so I know exactly where I wanted it to be flat, and then I want only that space. Okay, only because it does it will burn. This is can't go in here or something I'm not even sure. Let me check. I was in percent sure this is kinda low in here. The feel the touch - it's not very nice to the touch it's supposed to mimic natural hair. Let'S be clear, it is let's be clear, it is I'm filling my so I'm feeling very Donna Summer. Like I know what Donna Summer looks like, and I know that I'm like a close third after Kelly - I am - I don't know what you guys think I'm selling hair. Let me turn around cuz. You guys always had no okay, I'm filming her she's super healthy and big. Did you get it cool yeah? I just I'm obsessed. I can't even pretend like I'm not when I first saw her on. I was a little bit overwhelmed and it's just being all the way around. As I was, and then I just gave her a little love and affection. Some of our units take a little bit more than others and I'm actually not upset about this one. I don't a hundred thousand percent love the texture, but in order to keep the unit at the price point like under $ 30, the texture makes sense. I make sense. So if you have not already, let us let me know - which I think am I in the running for Donna Summer, let me give her more hey we're Diana Ross for that matter. Cuz y'all know in real life. Diana Ross is my complexion. I don't care what y'all say: love Beyonce the definite, no that's my Lord and Savior, but no she dark-skinned of her life. I mean, let you know okay. So what do you y'all can't tell me y'all. I have to go. I said Oh cuz, I were here all day, long fishing for compliments, so if you have not already drums and subscribe to our Channel out nailed glam, it's amazing the variety of press-on nails that this woman is providing. It'S disgusting, we're obsessed! I'M obsessed with this. I'M obsessed with hair shot so fly check them out crazy, fast delivery and I'll be talking to you guys later.

LiL: This is the best that I have seen this unit look. Period. Good Job!!!

IsThatYourHairrr: OMG I looooove how you styled her. You did it the best! Makes me want her, for real. And yes, you're in the running, huntyyyy.

Read Love Listen: VaVaVoom! This is some glamorous hair. I had the half wig and got caught in the rain so she is no longer here with us. :-( lol  I agree thats its like the crochet hair. I need to try this unit. Rock this hair with some bell bottoms.

SAWLIFE: Hellllloooooooooooo. I’m hear for this. You’re giving me FOXY BROWN the makeup goes so well with this !! I’m in love. You just changed my mind about it lol

Amarierry: You look like a brown goddess giving me 70s Chaka Khan vibes with this hair

StarriSkye: Loved how you styled it

Cassandra Pates: Beautiful!

Honey Da Lune: Can you do a video showing exactly how you did the style transition to the way it is now

Mrs. Williams: I just got mine in the mail and my sister said all I need is a sparkling dress and a stage. Get on Stage Tina

LiL: They need to go ahead and send you boss lady so that you can review it.

april G: Happy Friday this is so Gorgeous

Sherees'h: Come on beat!!!! That face is Mayweather-ed!!!! ❤ I know you wear makeup but it's really pretty today!

Jordyn Jackson: yes close third! lol looks great on you girl!

k lopez: Beautifull!!! Sza vibes

Charity Nyawech: Y’all can get it for 25 dollars at samsbeauty

Gabrielle Walton: Love you girl but at 2:00 thought you said possessed instead of obsessed and lmfao

Ask Me: Why does yours look longer?

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