This Has To Stop! Natural Hair Trends I Refuse To Follow

Try the Ombre gut health test:

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This video discusses three incredibly popular natural hair growth trends I’ll never try and why. It’s important to do research on hair growth trends as well as seek professional help if you are attempting to treat a condition that you are unsure about. It’s a new year, so start it healthy by receiving the right information to achieve your hair growth, healthy body, and mental health goals.

Time Stamps

0:00 Introduction

0:49 Monistat For Hair Growth

6:24 Alternatives to using Monistat for hair growth

7:10 Rice Water For Hair Growth

10:09 Inversion Method For Hair Growth

11:33 Alternative to the inversion method

Nizoral shampoo:

Royal Oils shampoo:

My Makeup:

Foundation Dior (5w):

Fenty Pro Filt’r foundation: (370):

Bobby Brown Art Stick (Red):


Eyebrow Pencil (Milani):

Red blush (Nars):

Brown Lipstick:


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As a woman with 4c hair, my channel offers fun and easy-to-digest natural hair care tips and hairstyling how-to videos for women with type 4 hair. I also offer styling and fashion videos for women over 30.

I have big chopped twice, texturized, and gone back to natural, so I get it. I'm here to help. You'll also find feminine outfit ideas for athletic body types and fitness motivation.


I’ve been natural, texturized, and back to natural again.

-Natural Hair 1-

Transition: 8 months

Big chop: October 8, 2010

4 Years 9 months natural July 12, 2015

-Texturized Hair-

Texturized: July 12, 2015

On Natural 4c Hair (5 years and 6 months)

-Natural Hair 2-

Transition: 1 year 5 months

Big chop: December 20, 2016

4 Years natural December 20, 2020

5 Years 5 months of growth December 20, 2020


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Hey loves. Welcome back to my channel. My name is latoya ebony. If you did not know if you're new here you're going to want to subscribe, because i do natural hair care videos, i do fashion. I do a little bit of lifestyle as well here up on the internet today, listen i'm going to be talking about three very, very popular natural hair care trends that i will never try ever i'm also going to be sharing what you can do, instead of these Three natural hair care trends that are healthier as well as one healthy step that i took this year using today's video sponsor ombre lab. Let me tell you: we're gon na get this body right. Okay, we're gon na get this hair and scalp right and trust me you're gon na want to hear about it because it's actually really awesome. So, let's get into number one using monostat on your scalp yep. You heard it coochie cream people are really rubbing coochie cream. On their scalp and they're, saying that it works, there are claims that it's helped clear up: dandruff psoriasis regrown hair lines, and let me tell you guys: celebrities are even using it celebrities like tiffany, haddish and regina hall. You guys, i i am i'm not making this up. Okay and i love them. I love them. This was the trend that was running rampant like years ago, and i was like there's no way i'm trying this okay there's no way. I i can't. I can't visualize myself doing this, even if it's just for the views, you guys, i try a lot of things on my channel, but i'm not putting coochie cream on my scalp. It'S just not happening, so the question is: does it work and if it does, why does it work? Why are people experiencing amazing results and some people are not so there's an ingredient in there called myconazole nitrate, and this is an active ingredient inside monistat that is used to treat yeast myconazole nitrate honestly say that three times fast, it is an anti-fungal ingredient used to Treat yeast, i just had to say it twice, so you know exactly where i'm going. That means that the people that are experiencing growth and scalp clear ups and all of that they're not lying it's just that they have an overproduction of this yeast on their scalp. So people who have scalp conditions like seborrheic dermatitis - they just don't know it. Mitochonazole nitrate is very similar to the structure of catechonazole, which is a active ingredient in shampoos. Medicati shampoos, like nizoral, a shampoo that i use for this overproduction of sebum overproduction of dandruff um flakiness oiliness, all of that stuff yeast. It is a treatment for that. It'S not even supposed to be used that long. That is why it's so important to understand what exactly is happening inside your body inside your gut, so that you can figure out exactly how to treat the symptoms that you're having and what better way to do that than through your poop. Your poop is the most effective way to measure the bacteria in your gut. So if you're having symptoms like hair loss, scalp conditions you're not able to maintain a healthy weight, maybe you have acne or skin issues anywhere on your body. The answer could be in your poop, so here's the thing we have trillions of good and bad bacteria inside our body when the bad bacteria outweighs the good bacteria. That'S when you start having symptoms like the ones that i just said. So i'd never done this before, but i took this gut health test from this company called ombre lab. Yes, yes, i did test my poop, i did i did it. I sent in a sample of my poop and i know you're thinking this is disgusting. Listen, it wasn't like i pooped in a cup and sent it in. You know what i mean like. I took a sample. The instructions were very easy, so let me just tell you guys how it goes right, so you get the test. It comes in the mail. You read the instructions, it's very easy to understand. You take a sample from your stool, so you send that sample in and they do a very detailed analysis of your poop to figure out what good bacteria you have, what bad bacteria you have and how you can essentially do a better job of eating the right Foods to increase the good bacteria in your gut, and let me tell you guys i was shocked. Okay, i there were some really good foods that are on there and i was thinking okay yeah. This makes sense to eat. You can even put in like special diets that you're on keto diet, paleo diet. You want to be dairy free whatever and they will filter all of the results out for you. But i'm shocked that when i went on the foods to avoid that i'm not supposed to be having too many sweet potatoes too many eggs too much chicken. They told me that i need to get rid of the sparkling wine. Now! Listen! Okay! That'S what we crossed the line, no listen like it makes total sense to me, especially with a condition like severe dermatitis. You probably want to stay away from sugar, because yeast feeds on sugar duh. So after receiving my results, i was very intrigued and i ordered and yes paid for my own probiotics to help me balance the good bacteria in my gut a lot faster along with implementing all of these good, healthy foods that i'm supposed to be eating to help With that as well, listen the answers in your poop so go to try hombre dot com, slash latoya, so i can get credit and you can get 30 off. That means that your test would be about 69 or 70 dollars. It'S originally 99. So, instead of just putting all these weird interesting things on your scalp go, get your gut test figure out what bacteria you need, what probiotics you need so that you can start getting the results that you really really want in a healthy way. Probiotics are the kind of stuff you're supposed to be taking not coochie cream. So when it comes to monostat, it has not been proven by scientists that it works, but i did just explain how it could potentially work for some people, but you have to listen like mindset, especially like something like monistat seven like i was supposed to be using That for seven days and people are using it for like 30 days at a time on their scalp, which can be very dangerous. That'S why some people were experiencing a lot of irritation or it wasn't working for them because they actually did not have a scalp problem at all. You can't fix, what's not broken. Some of my favorite products to use for overproduction of sebum or yeast or dandruff are nizerole the shampoo royal oils their whole collection. It has a active ingredient. That'S zinc instead of ketoconazole, so maybe one works for you over the other apple cider. Vinegar is a temporary fix if you dilute it in enough water. Don'T just use it straight on your scalp tea tree. Oil is another temporary fix for it as well, but i find that with seborrheic dermatitis, putting any oil directly on my scalp just kind of feeds. The condition and makes it worse from my personal experience - i don't do that, but it's going to be so important for you guys to check in with your trichologist, maybe take the gut test and figure out what foods you should be consuming to help with conditions that You'Re having number two rice water, i know this is very popular and i know that people have said that it works. I have not tried it, so i don't have first-hand experience, but i'm not doing it listen. This is something that has been used for centuries in china, japan, east asia. It'S something that has just like taken the western market by storm. Once people found out that people are getting results in other parts of the world, it's supposed to create smoother hair shinier hair help you detangle and also help with thinning hair. So this is how it's made rice. Water is essentially the water that's left over after you're done, cooking rice or after rice has sat and soaked in water for a certain amount of time and the rice is removed and that cloudy white stuff. You have left that liquid, that is rice water. So essentially, this is the process shampoo condition. Your hair rinse put this rice water on your scalp and your hair for about 20 minutes. Let it set and then rinse it out, people trying to get these edges back by any means necessary. So this particular water has amino acids, minerals, proteins, vitamins and there are claims that this ingredient inside the starchy, water and nosital that's been used for medical conditions. You can even look it up online, there's tons of medications with this particular ingredient in it, and it is supposed to help treat conditions and reverse damage in your hair by penetrating into the hair shaft. There have been claims also that the molecules are way way way too large to actually penetrate into the hair shaft. So essentially, it's coating, the hair and creating more elasticity and less friction between the strands which is causing the length retention that a lot of people are experiencing. Now there are hundreds of videos on youtube claiming that rice, water has saved their hair in two days. The hair done grown three inches, i'm telling you guys the videos are there and they're doing these. Like you know, length tests and some people, it looks like it's working and some people i'll know. I am not putting smelly water on my hair. You know in trying to get their hair to grow with these solutions a lot of times, they're creating an actual routine, and so sometimes it's not even the ingredient um or the the product that they're using is the consistency of the hair care routine. It'S the consistency of adding water to their hair. It'S the consistency in the care in which they're using to take care of their hair. That is creating these results. However, none of this has been scientifically proven or disproven, so i haven't tried it myself. I can't say that it doesn't work at all, because there are experts on both sides saying it does, and it doesn't. I mean use at your own risk, but i would rather just shampoo my hair and eat good food. You know what i'm saying and number three y'all don't get me, but the inversion method. I will not be doing the inversion method here on this channel. It'S not because i think it's like terrible or bad or even ineffective. I just don't feel like doing it. So what is the inversion method? Do you take a carrier oil like jojoba oil, grapeseed oil and you take an essential oil, that's known to aid in hair growth a lot of times so we're thinking rosemary oil, cedarwood oil and you are diluting it into this carrier. Oil, so you're mixing the oils together very carefully essential oil is actually very strong and can be very, very irritating, and then you are massaging the solution on your scalp, maybe you're putting a little on your hair and you are flipping your head upside down so that You can get a rush of blood and circulation to your scalp, as you are doing this massage nightly every other night, but very frequently. Apparently, it's very effective and i think that it actually could be. I mean oils like peppermint oil. They have been proven to be effective in stimulating hair growth. Green beauty has a really great video about this topic and i will link her video down below. She has great videos. If you want to do it, i don't think there's anything wrong with it, but for me i think a great way to always get that circulation going is to wash your hair once a week, so at least once a week you're getting that that massage scalp stimulation Depending on how often you style your hair, you can also get that scalp stimulation as well, and you know if you're washing your hair, weekly you're, getting a clean scalp, which is allowing that hair room to grow. Also exercise exercise is all about getting that that blood pumping you know and if you are ordering something like an ombre lab test, result and you're knowing what foods you should be eating to promote that good bacteria, if you're having your vitamins and your probiotics and all Of that that nutrition is going to go to your scalp regardless, and i think exercise is specifically like yoga in which they do like downward facing dog, and all of that i mean you're, also getting that blood flow as well, and most people that practice things like Meditation to lower stress yoga exercise they typically um, are experiencing healthier results like skin that glows they're drinking their water. You know they're getting that blood circulation and a lot of times just having one tweak in your life. It'S it kind of creates a domino effect for other areas, and you kind of want to take care of yourself more and more. It'S not an absolute, but that's why a lot of yoga people be looking so good they'd be drinking. They juice you guys, they'd be having their probiotics. I'Ve seen results, and i really want you guys to as well the only one i would potentially try is the inversion method, but i will not be filming a video on it. I just feel like i don't feel like it's necessary for me, but if you tried any of these and you swear by any of these go ahead and comment down below, let us know. I genuinely feel that if you want to be healthy, you have to find out the facts. Go to your doctor, your dermatologist, your trichologist, and ask those questions because some of y'all be up in my dms, like my hair, is falling out. My edges are thinning, y'all, be asking me a lot of questions and the truth of the matter is, is i can teach you how to develop a healthy hair, routine, a consistent, simple one. I can teach you how to style your hair, but i am not a doctor. I cannot diagnose your scalp, no matter how many hair strands you send me how many scalp shots you send me. I am not a doctor and you're gon na have to get these factual results from somewhere and from there. Then you can use my videos to build upon the knowledge that you have so that you can decipher what techniques i'm using may or may not work for you, and that is the truth. Shout out to ombre labs for sponsoring this video i'm gon na. Have that link down below click, it look it up test it out, i'm enjoying it, and i will be doing another follow up in about six months to see how i do this year, because i'm going to be doing a health challenge that i'll fill you guys In a little bit later, okay shout out to the coily crew for always holding it down. They are helping me to provide this content for you, and i am very appreciative. We do live streams once a month and sometimes i get early access to videos and things like that. So we have a good time and check out my last videos. I have a video that is on my hair porosity and if it has changed as well as my latest loungewear haul video, i'm gon na play all of that right there. I love y'all comment down below leave a like or dislike, and i will see you in a couple days all right.

LaToya Ebony: Try the Ombre gut health test: Special thanks to Ombre for sponsoring this video. Use the link above to get $30 off your order today.

Black Girl Lavish: I’m NEVER trying the NO oils and butters trend. I don’t care what people say I’m not doing it.

Kanika R.: It must all stop We have become obsessed & will try literally anything (Monistat) to ease our hair insecurities. I’m sure we’re causing more harm than good with this nonsense. Embrace ur hair no matter the length, texture. Strive for healthy hair, and surround yourself w those that accept u - hair and all

Hopefullycre8ed Designs: Luv your WRAP. So ready for this QUALITY commin' I 4c beauty, honesty, and creativity!

Fine Natural Hair ROCKS: LOL! I COULD NOT, pass up on your vid title! I'm soo with you on NOT following every single natural hair trend that hits these internet streets!

Toccia Hill: I've used rice water as a prepoo/protein treatment for a few months a while back. It worked well while I was looking for an actual protein treatment that my hair like. It wasn't smelly and I added a small amount of eucalyptus to it

Mrs. Burgess: I used to have flare ups with my scalp but since I’ve been using Dove shampoo and conditioner my scalp has been looking amazing. I have also stop using all the trendy hair products. I will grease my hair with a conditioner grease that has herbs and that’s it.

Ameerah McSweeney: I remember the monistat cream trend back in the day when the hair boards were really lively People were really doing this . I never got on board with that one. No No No. I did try the rice water once too but that got old because you have to fermented it just to much work for me and the inversion method tried that and ended up getting dizzy. I do not know if it worked because I never did it long enough. Might give it another go. I just decided to go back to basics keep it simple . Also trying to eat healthier drink my water and take my vitamins also washing the hair regularly and keeping clean scalp and hair . Deep condition I use oil some Just keeping it simple is best

Gabby: I needed your video today ♥️ I love your energy! You look beautiful and I love your head wrap I really don’t think natural hair care needs to be as weird as using vagina cream on your scalp but that’s just me, idk what other people’s hair needs are but I appreciate your minimalism when it comes to products and your boundaries when it comes to what trends you try out.

Vanessa James: Thanks for this quality video! It's so unique and informative. I appreciate your ability to problem solve and teach . Plus you're looking beautiful as always! Keep up the great work LaToya!

1GoldenBreeze: I thought the Monistat thing was long gone. It was something that I never could have thought of and certainly would never do. I'm too lazy to do the rice water thing I just need simple hair care. Nope, not doing the inversion method either. For me, anything beyond simple shampoo, condition, and style is too much when it comes to my hair care. The Ombre test sounds interesting, and I'll have to talk to my PCP to see if it can be covered with insurance.

AwesomeAJ: Rice water worked for me. You have to use it as a pre poo, then shampoo, conditioner etc. Its not to be leaved in hair or used long term. I used as a pre poo for, 4-6 weeks. Its not for everyone.

Jermaine Au Natural: Coochie Cream!!! There are sooo many goofy trends. Very interesting in what 2022 will bring I did try rice water. It was a one time try and I was over it. The smell…. (though some used oils for the smell), it’s cold normally, messy, stank but it felt like I had just did a protein treatment buuuuuut NO! Not on a regular. I am not hanging my head upside down for a blood rush. A good upright scalp massage works just fine Enjoyed this video

Fine Natural Hair ROCKS: I have tried rice water products for my hair because I like the fact that the ingredient is stabilized. As for the inversion method, I tried it for 2 days but quickly stopped because I couldn't deal with the lightheadedness for hair growth.

🌻Sunshine🌻: Coochie cream?! I've never heard of that one. I used to be obsessed with lenght in the beginning of my journey and, back then, I would probably believe that many of this things would work. I think that's a phase most people go through but as you learn more you realise that the simplest things and focusing on health is what grows the hair.

Maya: I need to see all these methods done on people who have alopecia, severe hair loss or thinning edges, no favorable genes and a terrible diet. At least 100 of them because all the people claiming fantastic results already had healthy hair to begin with or a good base so until then issa no for me.

Zina Mckenzie: Ya look gorgeous with the head wrap.❤️….Those test have actually brought quite a bit of awareness, tummy issues, no joke. Thank You

Anele.N Sithole: I think if we look at these trends as options to a problem you may have at the particular time then you'll find help in these trends. Instead of trying every trend. I used the extreme hydration after a long stint of protective styles and my hair way falling off, the rice water too. And it worked! I say trends can be helpful.

Abiel Spencer: I don't usually comment online, but important factoid: the miconazole nitrate and ketoconazole are both in the same family of drugs/meds that treat fungal infections in general (among other things). Yeast (candida albicans) is just another fungus like the one that causes dandruff. Also note that yeast is the same thing that causes diaper rash and oral thrush in babies. So technically, both monistat and nizoral do the same exact thing, but with slightly different formulae (kinda like substituting two similar ingredients when you're cooking to get the same effect with a slightly different flavours). So yes, some folks who had dandruff would get a positive effect with the monistat because it treated the fungal aspect of whatever was disrupting their hair growth. We just feel squicky about monistat specifically because we know it's intended for vaginal use. Otherwise, I enjoyed the video!

S Maxwell: Thanks LaToya for this video ..great info

Denysha Dials: Yeeessss to the head wrap ❤️ I just love them so much with a nice pair of earrings you look A-MAZ-ZING✨

Cheshire Dj: I agree on all counts! While those methods may work well for some, I don't want to do them and there are products out there that work for me. The gut test scares me - I already know what it will say and I don't want to do that either!

Noree: Really people. Just wash and condition your hair regularly, eat healthy foods, drink water and make sure your vitamin/minerals levels are good!!

Sassy Queen: hello latoya how are you?? Hope your doing better I agree tho these trends are a joke

Ajura: Monistat creams works , with olive oil. Rice water is very drying due to starch content. Minoxidil also works for people with auto immune diseased alopecia.

Valerie Wood: Wow, the way I clutched my pearls at the cootchie cream in the hair! ...Hard pass.... But seriously considering the poop analysis lol Very informative Miss LaToya! Thanks

Melanie Oyadina Smith: Monistat... speechless on that one. Anyway, yesssss it's always about knowing what's in your poop. Been doing an executive health profile for a few years & my GP never lets me get away without that part of the testing . People with high blood pressure have to do any inversions in moderation, learnt that from my yoga teacher... but really, people doing it for hair growth I wish I was shocked but 2020 left me pretty shock proof.

Natural_Passions_ASMR: Latoya, where do you bpurchase your wraps? I love this colour on you!!

Fine Natural Hair ROCKS: Yeah no to the Coochie cream for my scalp. I saw that and ran super FAST in the opposite direction! I would be afraid to put that on my scalp just above my brain.

A.Tanyale: I’m not putting Coochie cream or smelly water in my hair either! I’ll do what I been doing which is washing and moisturizing

Lonnie 1Love: I actually did none of these ‍♀️‍♀️‍♀️ I’m a lazy natural

AR: Alternative to rice water is diluted inositol powder. Don’t have the smell or possible microbial growth. Just prepare rough when you going to use

Kelly: I have a question, and coming from a white girl this might sound really dumb, but here I go: why is hair on African American women called natural hair? I’m from Europe and I’ve never heard of this term. I am just curious I don’t mean to be rude or offend anyone. I’m just genuinely curious. If I would wash my hair and let it dry, wouldn’t that be natural (unmanipulated) hair too? What is the difference? If someone could explain this to me I’d very much appreciate it! Thanks! ❤️

Bumblebee: The DIET is the game changer for me. I avoid soda & sugary drinks, dairy, and processed sweets. I limit meat & eat more plant based meals plus drink lots of water. Take my vitamins & minerals and go for walks. Avoiding dairy and sugar plus increasing my water intake totally eliminated skin and scalp issues. I used to have drandruff & psoriasis - they’ve been gone for 2 yrs now.

tocrazyjay: What about that garlic method! OMG! I can't even imagine the smell.

Philly Jawn Lolo: I saw hair trends and monistat in the first clip. I'm instantly apprehensive

Samantha Jones: Good Advice!

4C Crown of Glory: I do hair growth challenges on my channel... I tried a rice water vs onion juice challenge. Rice water grew my hair in a short period of time. I think I want to try the Inversion method next.

Arturo R Sanchez: The Mrs here. New subbie. HAPPPY NEW YEAR .

SimplyNaturalCai: My sister tried rice water and thought it worked idk her hair grows fast anyway lol I just keep with my routine and tweak it here or there depending on the season.

Jerrilyn Sinclair: Hey have you ever thought about a Brazilian blowout?

Sabine Marie: Not gonna lie I tried the rice water thing. I did notice less shedding when I did it but it stinks and I kept forgetting to make it in time to use it so I just stopped. Knowing what I know now I'm glad I only did it a couple of times. My hair has been thriving since the black girls curls challenge and I'm never going back to my old ways. I shampoo my hair twice a week, deep condition once a week, and I play around with styling products which has been a lot of fun for me, and I use a hooded dryer to dry my hair. My hair growth and manageability has gone way up and my shed hairs have gone way down. I love my new routine and I am really enjoying trying different styling products and methods. Anyway Love your videos! always very informative and entertaining. The whole yeast on the head thing is so gross, one of the main reasons I wash my hair so frequently and dry with heat, ain't nobody got time for that! lol

vicky fox: It was all fun n games before you said inversion!

memeaw76: You said coochie cream? I can't with this shenanigans

Lady Bianca: okay!!!!! Nah I’m good on the monistat

medieval mess: Saw the monistat box and I came straight here.

Apara: You're so sweet to answer people emails and look at their pictures and try to help them . A lot of people can't afford to go to the doctor/salon visit, and your so knowledgeable, and I bet they really appreciate the advise you offer ❤. Very nice of you to take the time. I do agree. Hair growth starts with health and diet. Also, certain medications can cause hair loss or thinning. No amount of trends can help if those are the reasons, unfortunately. But I do get why they try, losing your hair is DEVASTATING.

Chromagens: Bruh I simply refuse to climb a mountain, spin on my head and sacrifice a lamb for hair growth lmao. And the search for wild hair growth tips is why initially I was put off by some natural hair blogs and videos years ago. I need a simple life so it's a pass for me even if that means I stay baldheaded

Jacintha Ceeder: Yeahh i also never liked the rice- water method!! And What do we think of The amla oil??

psr076: I never understand using monistat in your But I will be real I did the inversion because it was like doing yoga where in some position your head is down..

Neosoul_prima: People spend so much time trying to find so many other solutions, except realizing that they are the problem!

Mel G: Get your blood work checked, you may have low iron or thyroid issues which causes slow hair growth.

vicky fox: not the inversion method Not even without the oil! I am ghast!

Joni True: Crazy hair gimmicks. I suppose next some crazy sister will claim K-Y Jelly can be used to detangle hair cause it's got a lotta slip .... thanks for the video

SpookieLips FatHips: Monistat is just an antifungal so its not that crazy . Its just caz its marketed for the coochie why it seems so outlandish lol

God’s Precious: #1 really? You’re kidding me?!

Grace Potts: Tell me about that wrap, tho

Ossie R: We’re good followers

Philly Jawn Lolo: Coochie cream ☠☠☠ ma'am! I can't. I'm done. Gonna go ahead and exit stage left.

MorenaRose86: Not the couchie cream

vicky fox:

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