How To Train A Dog To Stay Still While Hair Drying? #Dogtraining #Dogtrainingtips #Dogtrainer #Dog

  • Posted on 16 March, 2022
  • Trending
  • By Anonymous

Hi everyone. I would like to share with you my tips to drive my dog's hair. She used to hate drying her hair, so i started to put a bag of drip in front of her when she is drying her hair. So she knows when she is sitting still and letting me drying her hair. She will get some reward once a while, so don't give it to her all the time. Just once a while. You surprise her with giving her a treat, try it and leave me a comment, and let me know how it goes with you. If you think my video is helpful. Please share like and subscribe. Thank you for watching.

Pebo Mandarin: What issue do you have for drying your pet?

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