Curly Hairstyles - Pintura Color And Curly Styling

Pintura Color and Curly Styling by Rachael Perreira and Denis DaSilva of Devachan Salon

Right now we're doing Pantera, which is a technique that we do for highlighting here at diva Shawn, I'm Rachel colorist SIA, and this is Asia and today to start our technique. We'Re gon na start by sectioning, her hair. The technique of pintura was developed here at diva. Shan by Dennis de Silva one of our co-owners, so what we do is we take sections of the hair according to the movement of the hair right now we have the color here. We'Re ready to highlight Asia's hair and Asia's hair type is wavy. So with the technique, with the pinch, our technique, we just take individual pieces and paint, so the painting really allows you to have control over where you want to place your color. The painting also benefits because it helps to cut your time down and when your color grows out it's easier on the eyes, because we're able to get right up to the root the color, we're going to highlight Asia's hair will be more of a nice soft golden. Then we take these tissues and we lightly place them to keep the color from bleeding. With this technique of highlighting you're, also able to add different colors to the hair, whether it be highlight low-light by using opposite sides of their hands, especially with the painting similar to the haircut, everything is done by eye. So what we like to do is see where the hair is growing from and the movement and then we paint to the natural movement of the hair. For instance, if someone has a cowlick or if someone's hair is maybe growing different in one direction, we like to actually pick up that exact piece and show the movement. It'S also healthier for your hair to have the pantora method done, especially on a retouch, because the hair down at the bottom has already been highlighted. So if you're just going to be touching somebody's hair up, you don't have to over, highlight the hair. You will highlight right to right to where the hair has already been previously highlighted, so it saves the ends of the hair, whereas with foiling the ends of the hair get put back into the toil. So this is just a healthier way of highlighting. So now we're going to take to the front section so when you get towards to the front of the head, this allows you to have easy access to your hairline. This tool that we use is called the comb brush. This also is patented by Dennis to Silva one of our co-owners, and this brush is an essential tool and a highlighting technique. So you have your comb brush and then we have a comb here which are also we're able to highlight with which is very helpful when using two colors during a highlighting process, so with the pintura once you get to the top of your head, what we do Is we lay the top layer over and then we come around and section the opposite side and by doing so, you're able to rest your hair on top without affecting any of highlights. So what we put here on the top is we just put one final piece of tissue and to cover what we've done by covering it? It keeps the product moist. So once you go underneath the heat lamp that keeps the product processing and working. So this is just regular saran wrap and you gently place it around and then the process begins. Once you have your plastic wrap around, then you can bring her under her heat and the heat will start to process for just about 15 minutes now. Asia is ready to be washed and I'm Rachel here at D Vachon salon. Now we're going to show you the natural curl finish. My name is Dan de silva from division salaam, and we are here to unveil how this collar was done, how this style was done and the natural curly style Asia was under the dryer for 15 minutes. It has completely dry, and this was the beautiful work that was done by Rachel. Our colorist is the paint attack Anika ko Pantera. What is important about this technique is that to work in the curly hair, you want to see natural from the roots and a little more color down in the bottom. That'S what's on and a fashion right now, that's what the young girls like and that's what we do over here in Division. You can see dance has that splash of color that creates such a lost such a holiday. Looking for this time of the year over here in New York, City and big, it can be created anywhere in the world after the hair is being dry. What do you need to do? You have to crunch the ends? This way you break any hardness on the ends, the hair and will create a very natural-looking curly hair. So, and look at how beautiful is this color one more time we're gon na use the set of three it's our finished product to lock the ends and keep it the moisture in the hair and we're gon na flip her her back and this? What does the girls want? Look sexy looks pretty and look fresh, looking kneel and she's ready to party. If you want to learn more about the Pantera our technique today, you can go to natural curly calm or you can visit devotion and my deva katta calm. Thank you.

Dary-Lee Reyes: Love the color.

Arthur Schramm: looooove it

Aneisha Barnett: In what universe is this curly?

Kizzy Hutchinson: where can i get the comb and tint brush combined from??

Janet E: That hair is not curly!!!!!!

Sevim Ipek-Vitale: This is basically balayage.... lol you can call it pintura tho

VamptasticVamp: Looks oily!

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