Formal Curly Hairstyle Clean Bun | Classy Natural Curls

You don't have to straighten your curls for events, you can wear this gorgeous low curly bun and look classy and formal. I have received so many compliments on this and it has become a go to curly hairstyle!

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products and brushes

1. Natalie ann wet dry brush -

2. Bounce curl gel -

3. Curls and CLOUDS spray -

4. small round brush -


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Hello, everybody and welcome back to my channel today i have a curly hairstyle video, which i'm really excited to be sharing with you on youtube. I do heaps of curly hair hairstyles on tik, tok and instagram, but i don't often do them on youtube. So i thought it's about time. I shared one and it's just a little reminder that curly hair can be formal and you can wear it to fancy events and look classy and you don't have to straighten it or spend a lot of money and get it done professionally. So we're going to be doing this style, which is really versatile and nice and classy. It can really last you all evening and still look good by the time you get home and it's just a really great option for curly girls, especially if you're working with day like three four five hair. I have been a little mia on youtube. I'M not gon na lie because i have been focusing on instagram and tick tock and it's just really hard to juggle all three platforms when i only used to do instagram and youtube um so make sure you're following me there, because you get a lot more daily Updates - and you just you just - will see me a little bit more. I hope you enjoyed today's hairstyle video. Let me know if you try this for any upcoming events and if you want more hairstyle videos, i can definitely definitely do that. Okay, everybody, so i'm just starting with this messy bun. My hair is very naughty, but we're gon na make it work. We'Re gon na make it event worthy. You could wear this too weddings parties, i don't know drinks with the girls a date. Okay, bird's nest, literal bird's nest to begin, i'm just going to simply part my hair. You can do a side part for this, but i'm going to stick with good old middle part. Okay, now that we've got our part and we look like hermione granger. What i'm going to do is pull out two curls on each side of my head. Just for a little bit of cuteness and to show off our curls and then like some little ones from the ear and it's okay. If they're long, it looks quite cute when it's all finished. Okay, so we've got our cute little curlies quickly. Tie the rest of your hair back so that we can just focus on getting these looking nice because i don't know, what's going on right now, i would suggest wetting your hair, these sections to recur them. If you need to i'm just going to use gel, because i'm too lazy to get up right now now you can just finger coil them or do whatever you need to get them. Looking cute, i'm going to brush just like that, that's close enough! Okay! So we've got just some cute little ringlets of the curls out. You can play around with the positioning of this, but i actually really like how this looks especially from the side when the rest of the hair is finished. So, let's hop on to the second part, which is basically doing the bun, i'm going to be applying some gel. This is the bounce curl lights hold cream gel one of my absolute favorites for styling, like actually styling my curls and for slicking. My hair. I take about this much for now i'll be using a lot more soon, but i'm going to flatten that, along the top of my head, like so side for the side, sections of the hair, we're going to apply a little bit more as well. Now i'm going to start using a brush. This is the natalie anne wet dry brush. I really like it because it's got soft bristles that slick the hair back. This is a load bun everybody you can make it a higher kind of mid crown bun. I like this as a low hairstyle, it looks really really cute, so i'm going to focus on brushing careful of these parts and i'm just going to focus on slicking and flattening the rest of those curls down into a back ponytail now for more holds i'm using This volume spray spray volume spray from curls and clouds. It'S so good. It'S like a curly hairspray and i just can't really live without it. I love slicking my hair with this product, so much, i'm just gon na spray that everywhere this will set your hair. Okay and now i'm going to switch to a little round comb two bucks from a hair house, warehouse so easy um. So this really is the longest and hardest part of the hairstyle, because getting that perfect sleek bun is quite difficult. Now see how my hair is going backwards, it's not actually what i want. I want it to come flat and down. So that's what we're going to be aiming for instead. So i really wanted to look like that. Like a fringe and it's like coming flat and down and then the edges will come after these products make the top of my hair look super shiny together, which really elevates the look. So now, once you are happy, let's secure it low to the head, i'm just going to create a ponytail, so i'm using one single elastic to do this: okay, okay, everybody! This is what we are looking like so far, and this is exactly what i want and i'm happy with this. So now we're just going to work on that low curly bun, i'm basically going to take another hair tie, and this is going to be a little bit hard for me to show you but i'll try my best. What i'm going to do is i'm going to twist the top section of my hair about three quarters of a way down. So it looks like that. Then i'm going to wrap that around and leave the curls at the top of my head, pretend you're about to clamp your hair with a claw clip. This is what it's going to look like, so you've got a bun here and curls at the top. Can we see this fun and curls? Now i'm going to secure with my elastic around that bun section, you only really need to do it twice and then we've got these curls left over at the top. I'M going to try and show you the rest from the side too. So now it's really all about personal placement and what you like and what you think looks good, so i'm just going to play with the curls until i have them in a cute position that i'm happy with. So you can fluff them around a little bit like this really long section, i'm just going to tuck around that bun and if you have some bobby pins, that will probably help, but we've ran out now for some finishing touches. I'M going to be doing my edges. I'M just going to remove this curl flick it over to the other side and this one behind the ear. So i can focus on these little baby hairs. I'M actually going to apply a little bit of gel just yeah. Nothing fancy guys i'm just kind of scooping them down and in just to really like refine the look of this hairstyle. I have a tiny bit of leftover gel in my hand, so i'm just going to smooth this part, and that is the finished. Look. Everybody i'll give you a little bit of a pose. I hope this video helped you and gave you some ideas for your next function or event, and just remember you can style your curly hair. You don't have to straighten it just because you're going somewhere fancy curly hair can be fancy and very pretty and classy as well. Yeah. That'S right! You think. I hope you enjoyed today's video and stay tuned for many many more videos to come. I love you all. Thanks for supporting me and make sure you subscribe, if you want more curly hair videos and leave some recommendations in the comments as well, i love you all bye. You

Tash Ashok: Obsessed with this look! I'm always looking for new hairstyles that I can wear with my natural hair so I don't have to use heat on it, especially since I'm transitioning completely to curls This looks gorgeous

Lady Chiffa: Oh wow! I have a wedding in like two weeks and I totally had no idea of what to do for the hairstyle. I really need to try this! This may totally be it. Thank you for the tutorial!

tropicalfussy: Oh gosh no way!! I'm about to undergo a formal interview on Thursday and I've been struggling with what to do with my hair, thank you so so much Ms. Jayme! Right on time! ❤️ Btw, you look gorgeous with this hairstyle

Belicia Keys: This is a really beautiful way to style curly hair especially for events:). Can you please do more formal curly hairstyles, always enjoy watching your videos.

Carina Neto: So cute and easy to follow along

Maya: So beautiful! Definitely going to try this out!

lexi: i have 3b hair and your wash and gos work so well! your curl pattern is so pretty and I love styles you do

Georgia Lluen Rey: I cannot thank you enough for sharing this hairstyle. Its my favorite now! I even wear it to the gym lolll

Thaakirah Schroeder: i would loveee for you to do more curly hair hairstyles cause i really don’t want mine to be a basic slick messy bun

Roxanne Mitchell: Love this look

Emma Philo: Loved the subject of this video... How to be classy and formal with curls :)

Lisa Araheme: Loveee your bun soo cute!!

Aliena: i love your hair!! it's stunning, honestly don't know what to do with mine. I've tried everything, my hair was really curly when I was about five then my mum started blow drying it ever time I got out the shower. Now I have no idea wtf to do because I don't even know what my natural hair looks like. My hair is always frizzy and have these really deformed curls so any ideas??

Salwa Soso: I love this!!

C P: So pretty

Neelam Rai: Love this !

Haley: Gorgeous!! I'm buying the spray like NOW lol

Azba Jamal: Now I know what hairstyle to do for graduation

Simply HoloLogical: thank you!!!!! i really needed this because my teacher at school always says i need to brush my hair when i wear it open. i want to focus on getting my hair healthy and putting it in braids everyday for school is just... no :(

Sara B Gomes: My favourite kind of videos from you! love it

Umairah Nur Syifa: has anyone told you that you look like bella hadid + gigi hadid ????? GORGEOUS

Yll€n: Your hair are so ✨

Divora Habtemariam: Thanks love. Just came in at the right, since I have a wedding coming.

Karen Toledo: More hairstyles videos please !

Junior Chaves o Picasso de Yahushua: Obsessed with your beauty. You are obviously beautiful, so cute and nice. You look absolutely stunning with this hairstyle. You looking like a beautiful Gypsy woman

writtenbyMariaGhazaryan: I have prom this Saturday and I was freaking out tyyy

Patricia Lee: Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo. 4 sentadillas son unos SEXopornoo.Uno muchas y un buen ejercicio. Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados Saludos desde la Cd.. de world los mortalese abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer.k

Oliviya C.A: You looks like Bella Hadid✨

Angeline: I'm going to a wedding and I need to tidy my hair coz it's an outdoor wedding and gonna be windy I'm gonna do this

Bryan Edition TV: Hi Im male 20 got long ass hair and love your videos thank you. I think I should start a channel of my own for us men

Thee Hood Report: Hey ! What type of hair do you have ? Is it 3b ? It’s so beautiful

Ak.: Will this look good on a round face ?

The unknown: Im not sure if this will work with short curly hair . Im afraid it’ll look bad

Eva Fridlova: you have pretty eyes!:))

Basim Asyrow: Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo. 4 sentadillas son unos SEXopornoo.Uno muchas y un buen ejercicio. Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados Saludos desde la Cd.. de world los mortalese abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer.k

jus jaz: Where do you get your clips from ?

MARYAM: Hey jayme so I have the same hair type as you but I cannot get volume I watched the do and don’ts video and still even with following it tips still the same so can you please help?

Vivían29: I don’t have TikTok, would you consider posting your tiktoks on YT shorts?

AriesGalaxyNation: 1:42 im also sitting with a birds nest right now lol, im on day 5 curls

Rachelle P: I understand but I do not have insta or tiktok. Though I have missed you and your content so much! lol. Thanks for the video

S: So cute but my head shape isn’t meant for anything slicked back and tight lol

Georgia Lluen Rey: Loved Jessie in the end

Alyssa Jane: Yayay I’m early

Loissa Madeng: Ohhhmigott you look like gigi hadid

ani tee: omg her mind … so good

Veronika: Ese atuendo me vuelve loco LYNELLEE.Uno loco contigo y tienes ese cuerpo curvilíneo, hiciste un buen trabajo modelándolo también. También me gusta el último atuendo. Me encantai cómo los cinturones de liga se.


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