Blow Drying Hair With A Round Brush:: How To

  • Posted on 09 January, 2010
  • Bangs
  • By Anonymous

Blow drying your hair with a round brush is the perfect start to any hairstyle, it creates lasting volume and smoothness. In this tutorial I walk you through my steps for blow drying with a round brush... From products used, to prepping your hair, to finishing the blowout you will find all the knowledge to create a great blowout at home.

For more information and where to buy the perfect hair dryer visit:

Blow dry in your hair with a round brush is a way to create instant and lasting volume. It'S also a way to create smooth sleek styles in wavy or curly hair, but outside of the salon. Very few people know how to blow dry their hair with a round brush. I'M going to show you the steps and techniques for a proper blowout following this. So, as you can see, my hair is just been shampooed and lightly. Towel dried before you even turn on a blow-dryer you're going to want to prep your hair first you're going to want to protect it from the heat with some sort of styling aid. You can even use a root amplifier if you want extra volume or a smoothing serum. If you need to tame down coarse or thick hair, I'm going to use volcanic ash root amplifier by David bye-bye for extra volume, I'm also going to use the Bohemian Beach spray for some added texture and protection and because I just love the way it smells. So I'm going to go ahead and prep my hair with the product now so once your hair is prepped with product and you've sort of run. Your fingers through it working the product through you're, then going to want to remove 70 to 80 percent of the moisture. From your hair, just using the blow-dryer before you even start working with a round brush, so I'm going to go ahead and dry. My hair till it's about 70 to 80 percent dry after your hair is 70 to 80 %. Dry you're then going to want to section and begin working with the round brush I'll show you that technique following this blow drying with a round brush you're going to want to take a small section to start with, I'm going to take a section down at the Bottom of my hair, where my shortest layers are and I'll just clip up the rest of my hair. You can see how much I started with if your hair is thicker, you may want to take a smaller section. If your hair is more fine, you can take an even larger section. So to start at the bottom layer of my hair, I'm going to use a smaller round brush. I have two round brushes a larger one and about a medium one. These are my Brazilian heat. Brushes, I love them because they tell you when they're heated up and ready to go on the smaller section, I'm going to use the smaller of the two brushes and then, as I work up I'll work up to the big brush. The technique for using the brush is really all in the wrist when you start you're going to want to take a small section of hair and you'll push up for volume and then out and down it's really in the wrist. So you go up for volume and then out and down for the smoothing effect and your blow-dryer is point it down to smooth the cuticle and when you go up and then out and down the blow-dryer simply follows the motion of the brush. Once the section is completely dry, you're going to want to repeat the same process and hold your cold shot button to seal the cuticle of the hair and really lock the blow-dry into place. So I'm going to begin blow-drying my hair, using the same technique and as I work up my head, I'll switch to the larger brush and I'll demonstrate the entire blow up. One of my favorite parts about working with the Brazilian heat brushes is that they actually let you know when they're heated up and ready to work with your hair. They actually change color from orange to a really light. Iridescent, yellow and all you do is direct the blow-dryer at the brush and watch as it heats up and changes color and then you're able to work with it in your hair and you're ready to go so working through the first section. You'Re just going to continue to repeat the same technique up for volume and out and down for smoothing and then, of course, the cold shot button to seal the cuticle. In moving on to the next section, you're going to again let down a small section of hair and pin up the crown out of the way, you're also going to switch to the bigger round brush, because my layers are slightly larger. I need the larger round brush for more volume, so again repeating the same technique up for volume out and down for smoothing and the cold shot to seal the cuticle. You can also work with a concentrator nozzle if you'd like to on your blow-dryer. It helps direct the heat and really get that great angle. I find that it makes the blow-dryer a little bit longer and with my short arms, it's a little bit hard to use. On the last section, the two front sections are going to go out and down framing the face repeating the same technique on this section. You want to get a nice smooth, blowout, so make sure to use that cold shot button. The very last section I'm taking is the top crown area of the head again, I'm repeating the same technique with the round brush up and out for smoothness, and I'm going to seal with the cold shot in this section. Is it specially important to give it that extra volume, because you want that nice big volume around the crown area of your head, smoothing out the hair with a round brush just setting in the style, give it a good shake for some volume? And that is how you blow-dry with a round brush

Gra Piken: I've tried several times to replicate what my hairdresser did, at home but found it too difficult. This is by far the best video I've seen on this subject. It's so difficult but I'm going to try. Thanks for this.

Beauty & Hair: @RJuanderful Yes! Do not wind a hair section around the brush too much - that will only tangle it. When blowdrying a section, start with the roots [twist twist] then move to the middle of the secion [twist twist] then finish at the ends of the section. We also recommend starting the blowdrying process when your hair is almost 50% dry. You may create too much frizz if you blowdry starting when the hair is still dripping wet.

Nancy: I'd watched so many tutorials about blow drying with a round brush, but this is the one that taught me. Thank you!

Nicole Cedervall: If you simply just want to put volume in your hair you can put a little product in your hair at the roots, flip your hair upside down and shoot your roots with the drier for a little then switch to cold, it adds volume. (i use this after work for when i go out :) )

Danielle Wood: i cannot figure this out! i have to put down the hair dryer between every section of hair so i get the next section in the round brush.. i have extremely thick hair, i dont know if that makes a difference

Kristen Anderson: I got my hair cut last week and my hair is about neck length, and I have been learning how to use a round brush. After only three or four days of using a blow dryer with a round brush, I've gotten so easily frustrated because I couldn't see what I was doing, and just getting a clip in it to work with a section at a time has been difficult, but after watching this video, I'm hoping that next time I have to dry my hair, it will be easier. I'm glad I found a how to video on this topic.

Ana Arcana: Your hair turned out so gorgeous! I am definitely trying this technique! :)

Gabrielle Maria: i really love blow drying my hair like this , its so much easier than straighting your hair with a straightner , i recommend for everyone to do this , ! (:

Shelby Gossett: This was the most helpful blowout video on Youtube. I really appreciate you guys putting this up here.

Beauty & Hair: To get the desired volume and smooth look, it's preferable to blow-dry your hair. Hope that helps & thanks for watching!

Stuttsis: This is what my hair dresser did to me. It looked and felt so nice. After I showered, it didn't return to how it was styled before. So I hope that I will get the same kind of look again.

Nikhila S: So far...this is the best video I could find on the technique...Its simple, understandable and to the point! Great 1! thanks fr da help :D

Caitlin Moore: Thankyou for this! I just got a cute haircut that requires a blow out such as this when I realized I had no idea how to go about it! Your hair looks great! :)

Louise Vilsgaard: Thank you SO much! Its been so hard for me to style my hair.. It always looks great after the hairdresser, but then bad the next day because I didnt know how to style it.. This really helps. THANK YOU1

Sophie Gambill: This was my first time blow drying and it went great! IT LOOKS AMAZING and Now it looks great! Thx so much!

Beauty & Hair: @j2cool2 Great question, and Yes the technique will be a little different. For example, product is KEY when blowdrying hispanic or naturally curly hair as it acts as an extra force to hold the hair straight while blowdrying. Also it is important to use a LARGE round, boar bristle brush. With super curly hair, a quick run over the blowdried hair with a flat iron may be necessary too to 100% straight locks. Hope this helps!

gabrielletriforce: Very helpful! I'm going to try this out tomorrow. I really hope I can do it right. I just have a lot of hair!! Super thick and long

Adrianne Jamieson: Awesome, love how bouncy your hair looks and full of volume!

Giuliana Rubin: I just cut my hair short and this video is going to help out a lot.. I do not have as much hair as you do but with this video. I can work with my thin hair. Thank you so much..

Avis Volare: This was great for me, thanks! My hair is the same length currently.

Riza TV: I just bought the round brush today. And thank you so much for your video. I hope I can do it well like you do

Isopants: Fantastic. For someone as stylishly/cosmetically inept as I am, this has been a fantastic help.

Neetza Makes: Very nice vid. I am learning a lot of tips I would never have figured out on my own. Thanks so much, I'd try this right now if Hubby wasn't sleeping.

Moca Life: Omazing!! I've watched so many videos and I did it this way my hair came out not perfect but much more straight then I've every had it after blow drying it EVER and I always struggle with blow drying my hair at least some what strait because I have crazy curly hair (I'm African American and white mixed) so I also had to use an extra product or. Two but

Dayle Pereira: So helpful! Thank you !

R.x0: Great video!! Thanks... really needed to learn how to blow dry my hair properly lol! :)

Garrett Bryant: Amazing video! Always to great seeing new techniques!!

Zane Kreider: My hair is finally long for the first time, and I bought my first brush I thought it might be like this, but I tried before the video, and I was lost. Thanks much ^.^

Elizabeth Rodriguez: This was extremely helpful. What are the two sizes of your brushes? Thanks!

C S: way better than brad mondos 25 minute video - thank you for this! I'm excited to actually having some great hair for once without using a straightener !! lol

thestylingdiva: As a Stylist this video has been EXTREMELY help to me. Thank u

Grateful: thank you so much for this demonstration! (:

dallytexas: You have totally answerd my question in this video!!! Now I know cold shock locks in style. :) thx for great demonstration!!

A.R.40: I tried this technique and I have to say: you saved my life!!! Thx so much!!!

Katerina's Krazy Adventures: thanks for the video..i had been having problems since i got my hair done trying to dry my hair with the round was not coming out smooth..I am going to try this tomorrow and see how it works..thanks!

Beauty & Hair: Glad we could help! Thanks for watching :)

Amberlyn: Very helpful video... Thank you very much! :)

Shell Jay: This was a great video, very helpful....thanks!

Tatiana Millsap: I looove this video very informative especially with product knowledge and technique thank you thank you and once more thank you :)

Lorelai H.: Thanks for this video it is very helpful for me :)

Beauty & Hair: @skinfuz Try to angle the blowdryer so that its pointing toward your hair but not your face, its all in the way you hold it you have to hold your arm higher so that its hitting the hair and angled down. Yes you can blowdry with a flat brush although its a bit of a different technique. Make sure your flat brush is vented to allow air flow through to dry.

Mnt: Thank you soo much, I've been trying to get my hair to appeal to the feminine component of my gender. I'm sure this will help.

Brianna Wood: omg i love your hair it looks so healthy i am supper jealous! haha loved this video♥

Beauty & Hair: So happy to hear it! Thank you for watching :)

katana489: yes i agree its easy for her because she has short hair. i've got long thick wavy hair, i just had it layered and it's a bit thinner now but i've tried this and i need 2 xtra hands. Hairtalk, could u plz show one like this on a long hair type plz?

Beauty & Hair: You're welcome! And thank you so much for watching, if you don't mind please spread the word :)

Pat Andersen: Great tutorial !!, I subscribed. Thank you for posting.

JJJLongHair4u2c: Nice!It looks cute. Good to see you style your own natural hair although I still miss your longer hair! I like this style on you too. Seems low maintenance.

phuongchris101: thank you so much!! now i can do this!

delfina1987: Great vid, easy to understand i've watched a couple of other videos on blow drying with a round brush and they were to diffiuclt to understand.

Katrina Estiamba: wow! this was really helpful.. :)

EmpressCarm: Doesn't the round brush increase the chances of getting split ends, since it's so bristly?

Jillian Hanson: thanks sooooo much!! i really needed to learn how to do this. i have thick wavy hair, so i always have to flat iorn it to get the same smooth effect...

Beauty & Hair: Great to hear :) Thanks for watching!

RJuanderful: Love this video, but I have long hair. Any tips I should keep in mind?

fuji: Lol, "And It's kind of hard with my short arms" idk why, but that made me giggle... Your arms don't seem that short...? Great videos! They're so informative, and gives me a ton of tips... Since I just usually wear my hair down... I'm a plain type of person.

hajitooru: this is so helpful omg

Meganomic919: I part my hair on the side, so would I part my hair before the blowout or after?

Beauty & Hair: Yay! Thank you for watching :)

Najmalite: really helpful. thnx! :)

Elizabeth Rodriguez: When do you use the hot air versus the cold air?

SkillfullyEmily: I would love to see her try it with really long hair, now that is hard..

brooke mcmechan: Thank you so much help given to me now!! Xbox

Alexandra Quiambao: thank you very much.. this video will surely help me. i'm not good in using a round brush but i'll give it a try... please wish me luck. ^_^ thanks. ^_^

peekaboots01: Sometimes my round brush gets totally stuck in my hair. What am I doing wrong?

LindiK Matse: What are the sizes of the brushes??

Brittanie Jones: thats exactly how i dry mine :)


chocolatepoundcake: 2:14 Her hair is already straight and perfect looking, no need for anything else.

blindandagile: Hi I have a quick question. I`m a guy with very wavy almost curly hair. I had long hair for a decade, using a flat iron. But now I`ve cut off my hair and I`m styling it, but the stylist used a roll brush to dry it and make it more straight without an iron. And then I use some styling wax. Is there a good technique for roll brush drying short hair? About 2 inches. I want to be fairly straight with volume. Thank you.

Mel Stevens: I got the karmin g3 hair dryer so I'll try this out as soon as I get a round brush!

Moca Life: It worked well haha thank you

Sarz93: the way i got it to work, cause i have thick medium hair it gets caught up easy and i want to cry or break something it hurts that bad, is i had to put the hairdryer down and grab each section of hair and put the brush under it ready before i actually blow dried it, through doing that i successfully blow dried my hair yay! lol

Beauty & Hair: That's great! :)

Daniella D.: How do people do this perfectly ? My hair always gets stuck, it's awful...

Bobby Menon: Go up & out downwards.... Thank you,Im gonna try this today

BASMASHAMON: did you use the products on all your hair or just the top. Thanks

Kathie Frey: can i use cold for the whole thing? part of the reason i hate blow drying is cuz it makes me sweat

Alice Hughes: it's a good video but we're watching this to actually learn the technique, but you keep cutting the video when she's actually drying her hair so you cant see how she's drying it!

DropSpit: can i use a comb? i don't actually own a round brush or a normal brush

Angie Fawn Fourhman: helpful!!!

Ashley: i tried today but my hair still didnt straightened! i use a round brush, hair dryer and a heat protectant. no effect on me D:

Davis Fountain: I love this video thank you!...I know this is off subject but I dunno what it is when I hear those pump sounds made from the bottle it drives me bonkers LMAO!! I KNOW CRAZY!! HAHAHA but thank you again for the VIDEO this was Great:)

Beauty & Hair: We'll put it on the list :) Thank you for watching!

Simi Hashmi: Awesome

Sarah Gregory: where can you buy that brush at?

Axel: This is seriously what we need, doing it on her head instead of a wig head✌️

Beauty & Hair: Thanks for watching!

Coralie Richards: I have a bob hair cut now. Managed to do half my head properly but hair dryer cut out on the other half. Hate the way I have to stop and start the hair dryer so I can grab each section of hair for the brush? Takes ages and I don't have long hair anymore. Will give it another go later with this technique though.. maybe it takes practice!!

Beauty & Hair: @skinfuz Is your brush ceramic? sometimes if I try to blow dry with a brush that doesn't heat well, or a blowdryer that doesn't get hot enough,I also have results I'm not happy with. The more coarse and thick your hair the higher heat and air flow setting you will need.

aex3princess: No heat protectant?

Emma: She is a pro!

GabbyOwO: Gonna try and learn so I can go to school with straight hair and blow away my friends!

Ashley: @hairtalkTV my brush stated it can withstand high heat don know if ceramic. when i blowdry at high speed, its too hot on my face. the brush always entangle with my hair as i move it up. do you think i can use a flat brush to straightened it too?

Lucky Chonk: It got stuck in my hair the first time T^T

Tanya Garon: Where do buy the brushes

Kelnosha: so much easier to just blow dry hair and put in Velcro rollers, it's the same effect.

AMR Videography: how bout for people who long hair and is thick, I cant do it is so hard, but you did a great job, I remember last time I try to do it, my hair got tangle on the round brush and it took 3 people to take that brush out of my hair, with a comb, and 90 mintutes, my hair is too thick and long :(

Jackie Palacios: thanks this really helped :) yayyyy haha

Amber Lebrun: i love this vid but wat if u dnt want more volume and if u dnt have a small round brush and just a big one please respond?

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