How To Look After Your Leave Out When Wearing Hair Extension/Sew In

How To Look After Your Leave Out When Wearing Hair Extension/Sew In. Dont let your leave out break till theres nothing left, and you have to move your part.

Hi guys it's one day here and it's a really really quick video about my leave out. I'Ve got a lot of questions about my leave out and how I keep my hair and really straight so. Firstly, what keeps my hair really straight is the fact that i set it. My natural hair cut my hair's natural, no chemicals haven't relaxed. It was cuz. I set my hair when i first did it, but you can probably see now, like I've been getting a lot of them. The roots are getting up growing out, so you can put so I might go and get it sit again. I don't straighten it everyday. I don't straighten it every week. Okay, Lily wait! Let'S first off I wash it, I wash my actual hair every week and now watch the rest of it every two weeks. I watch this part every week with Cara, commercializing, shampoo and the humic toe condition up and then, when it's a little bit dry, my fifty percent dryer. I then go back and spray this afro centric daily moisturizing spray. Now I love this product. I love it. So much um, it's basically water by Scott, like essential oils in it, and if you like this one of Pippa min and it just tingles like in your scalp as well, it's really really good. So let that sit in my hair and then what I do is I take this karicare moisturizing, no conditioning cream, hair dress and I love this stuff. Oh this one's not been used here, my mob ones nearly finished. It looks like that. It'S really really sick and then I just take that work from the ends and work to the roots and then from the root and then I'd. Let that sit in like for another like 10 minutes or so, and then I just seal it in with the a frozen chicks daily conditioning oil shine. So it can be a little bit wet I'll. Only do this when i'm going to bed or just for fun going to bed, and I just leave it to just like fully dry once it's fully dry, you can still feel like the oils, so it's very protected and Mitch, and I just make sure that there's Enough oil, especially at the ends because that's prone to break the quizzes, you know it's out and then that's what I do when I'm going to wash my hair so on a daily basis. What I do is, I always take up vm the leave out, and then I just do like a flat twist and I flat twist it all the way to the end keep flat twisting and then I take a bobby, pin and pin it into the hair, because I'M really, though, or nothing happening to, and then I just wrap the whole hair in one big circle on my head. Obviously, a higher setting scoff on my head and then I just go to sleep, is no sometimes I find that I am like a a fidgety sleeper, so I put like a wig cap oil just to hold everything in place and make sure nothing moves when I Am really really lazy and I don't wrap the hair, then I just tie it up and have the engine, but I always make sure that I wrapped my own. I pinned down my own hair, so it doesn't fly everywhere rubbing anything because I'd already be dealing with breakage I mean time was straightening, my hair. I straighten it maybe once every 10 days every 7 to 10, but more lean into 10 days. I always use a heat protectant on my actual hair because I don't want to play with my actual hair, and I use this one by om, organic root stimulator and it's called a heat, protectant serum and it's just there and I use this book was it doesn't Contain any alcohol in it and alcohol dries out the hair, and this is more or base, so it's less likely gon na get dry. So i used then, after what I've straightened my hair, then I then seal oil again, but really like drop. Actually. To be honest, I don't use this one. I use this one again it's by Afrocentric and literally because it's got a cap like slow. I lecture you just put like a drop or two yeah a drop or two one, the hair just to make sure, especially at the end, just to make sure that it's not going to fly away and its really moisturized. Because breakage starts at the ends of the hair, and I don't want to take out this week and I've got like that - much hair, so really kind of be careful with it. Although I think that my hair, my actual hair, has been heat train because even when I wash it it still straight, so I don't know about that as long as it's been taken care of on a daily basis. That'S all that concerns me to bring us as long as it's just not damaged, though I'm not trying to damage it either. Also, the straight, oh also, I use on my actual hair. I use this brush, which is a soft-sided brush. I come on with these brushes Corp. I ways it's a sauce that match your hair and then the hard side on the weed, because I don't want anything pulling out my hair yanking it out from the roots I'm trying to keep as many hairs on my head as possible and move the straightener they Use this Tony and glass straight up and then I'm the rest of the hair. I straighten it on 230 degrees got my hair I'd. Do it on about 80 degrees so to bring us a look, i don't care if it's not dead straight, but as long as it's straight ish does that make sense. So then yeah, that's what I do with my leave out. I mean I take extra special care of it because I'm really doing I don't want to have to be dealing with breakage at all. I hope this video was useful and I hope you enjoyed it and till then remember the world. It is tough, see ya.

hawam13: so does your hair curl back up after you wash it?? and that twisting thing you do each night keeps it straight? that's a great tip!

somanywishes: Oh dear, if your doesn't curl back up then its damaged love!

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