Aia Beauty Bundle / December 2020 Truss Professional Hair Care / # Crazyfortruss

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Hey guys, it's jean welcome back to my channel. If you are new here, i do subscription unboxing and baggings and i do all sorts. I also do some thrifting some hauls, some clearance, rack shopping, product reviews and mystery boxes and bags. So if those are the kind of videos you are interested in, please hit that subscribe button. I do love getting new subscribers and welcome back to my current friends. You guys are awesome all right today i have aia mystery beauty, bundle and um. I did have to cut the tape and pop it open. It'S extremely heavy and there's like a a smell coming from it. So i had to cut the tape and open it um it's 34, every two months and um i saw nothing. I saw no spoilers. I didn't even like nothing like i i'm on instagram all the time and i i didn't even see any spoilers for it. So i before i got it, i had no idea what was in it. I do know what's in it because of the smell that was coming from the box and um was a little bit. Something was leaking, so i did open it up. I did figure out what was leaking and um. I figured well while i was opening up and and um ruining my surprise. I figured i would get prices and stuff as well, so um whoops um, making a mess, making a lot of noise, so um, let's just get into it and um. That is what it looks like on the inside and you can see there's a lot of liquid here, uh a lot of stuff there um. So this is um. This is trust professionals, and it does have a description of all the products it does not have prices but um. I found prices so we're good um and this must be the founder well. This is obviously the founder, and it says when i founded truss almost 20 years ago. I wanted to create products that would deliver results beyond the expectations of hair, stylists and their clients. I am proud to have achieved this goal and after all, these years, we continue to make products that become powerful tools in the hands of hair stylists and that make their clients have their best hair days. Ever the result of this happy and loyal the result of this is happy and loyal consumers spread across the world, who are also called crazy, ford crazy for trust. Today we are proud to introduce you, introduce you to trust professionals and we hope to welcome you to our family and it looks like it's manueli basa and then there's a bunch of uh. You know social media stuff, so um, i'm just gon na pull out what was leaking first um. It has when i used to get my hair colored it has that smell of like hair color, but not quite not quite as strong, but anyway this is a deluxe prime hair reconstructor. It says to be used after shampoo and before conditioner or mask truss. So that's what it looks like and this does have um it got some. I got an award um reader's choice. 2019 launch pad award winner, so um yeah. This is this was like totally off. So it's a it's an uh to me. It just smells like it. Smells like a hair salon um, so so you use it well, i'm gon na read the read the little i might as well. Read this hello, um deluxe prime travel size, truss's top selling product is a versatile protein, infused spray that restores devitalized fragile damaged and chemically treated hair. It detangles the hair, leaving it soft and silky can be used as a treatment after shampoo and before the conditioner. As a leave-in or pre-blowout lotion, so this is the travel size. I couldn't find a travel size, price um, but the travel size is 30 mils and the regular size is 260 mils and it's 29.40, so um yeah. I can't do the math, so i don't have a price for that um and so we're just going to pull out the next item and we have is truss hair protector, um gel cream daily protector. That is what it looks like, and this is hair protector, lightweight, gel slash cream based daily leave-in that restores hair's natural structure detangles and offers thermal protection from blow dryer and flat iron. Promotes nutrition. Hydration restores the natural structure of the hair and protects strands from external aggression, aggressions um, so this hair protector. This is 29.40 for um, 250. Mls next item we have is called night spa serum all. These are 100 vegan, which is nice um. I think that uh - i can definitely appreciate that so the night spa, it's an innovative product along with truss infusion, will entirely revolutionize your concept of hair treatment, trust night. Spa serum is the home care version. A light serum formulated recommended for weekly application to keep hair healthy until your next salon visit um. This is 250 mils, and this night spa serum is 42. I still can't quite figure out exactly what it does. Okay, so we have the serum. Then we have infusion shampoo and conditioner. These are the bottles um. These are 300 mils, each and um the shampoo. The shampoo is um dollars and 20 cents, and the conditioner is 27.60 for 300 mils. So the shampoo 100 percent vegan base for dry dull, damaged hair cleanses and treats fibers, adding intense shine, anti-aging no added salt or dyes, physicists, physic, physiologically, logically ph color protection recommended for daily use. Okay and then the conditioner uh 100 vegan based for dry dull, damaged hair, deeply hydrates and restores the strands covering them with a protective layer for stronger shinier hair anti-aging, no added dyes, physiologically ph color protection recommended for daily hair use. So that is those, and the last thing we have in here is um a ia tangled leave-in detangler spray, and this is a leave-in treatment. The all-in-one product that is a must-have tangle tangled, is a lightweight mist that conditions enhances shine and fights frizz with just one mist. So that is this. This is um 20 mils and it is 20. So so you know with aia, you get it every two months and it usually it it's one particular brand or product um and the first one we got was pure elise, which i liked. The second one was, i can't remember it was a, but it was eye shadow palettes and lippies, and that was not my favorite um. I don't know about what i'm i don't know what i'm feeling for about this um. So we got the two, the shampoo and the conditioner um. You know which why not i mean i certainly could try them. I have plenty of shampoo and conditioner to be a long time before i get to this um. Then we have the night spa serum, which i don't know. I don't know i'm just kind of on the fence and the hair protector um, the deluxe prime hair reconstructor and the aia tango leave-in, uh, detangler treatment right, detangling spray - i don't my hair doesn't get tangled. I mean, i know people with long hair. Their hair gets tangled mine. Doesn'T you know i haven't had a knot in my hair and i can't tell you how long so i don't know how i feel about this box um. I suppose, if i had you know long flowing hair. If i had like the hair of reviews with sue or andrea from arkansas gals, if i had her nice long hair, this might be perfect. But for me - and also i don't color my hair anymore, so i don't have to my hair - is much less damaged now. So um, i don't know what i feel about this box, but i love the aia. I love the whole concept of this box every other month, which is great um, 34, and that's includes shipping and tax and everything um, one particular brand, which i also love, because you know you get to try all the products from that brand. So i like it um, but one out of the three boxes that i've gotten i've only really liked, which was the pure elise one um. So i don't know i i may cancel this. I don't know cause i'm just on the fence about it. Um, i'm not sure, not sure what, if any of this stuff i'm going to use who knows but um the total value of this box. Um not including this is 143.60, so this is some expensive product in here. So um, i don't know, that's everything in the aia. Beauty bundle um again. I like the whole concept of it. I i just don't know i'm gon na see what um. So this is, i guess, would be november december, so the next one will probably be in february december, get it january, yeah we'll probably be in february. So i'm gon na see what that one is um. If i see spoilers, i may look just to see if it's something that i really want um, because i'm not sure you know one out of three. You know i'm not sure, but i mean this looks like fabulous stuff. It'S just not something that i i may try it may not so anyway, that is everything in my aia. Beauty bundle um. If i have any links or anything, i will put them down below um. Let me know what you think: what you think of this um particular box, the shampoo one and all you know everything in here so um. If you like this video guys, please give me a thumbs up uh again. If you are new, please hit that subscribe button. I do love getting new subscribers. I am about 50 away from 500, so i'm not thinking that i'm gon na get there on january 1st but, like i said, i'm okay with that, i am having a wonderful time with youtube. Um meeting wonderful people, i'm just i'm having a good time with it, so i am not going to complain because there's nothing to complain about. I have 450 subscribers who would have thunk so um. Thank you to my current friends. You guys are awesome. I love you guys and uh. I thank you for taking the time out of your day to watch my video, because, no matter how hard i try, i can't get it lower shorter than about 20 minutes, although if i finish this now it'll be probably 16 minutes. So, anyway, guys, i hope that everybody is staying safe and healthy, and i will see you all in my next video bye, guys.

Ambizzares DIY & Other Stuff: Now I would have LOVED this box! I’m always down for anything to help my hair. Now, this was not a good box for you but for sure perfect for me LOL. I may start getting this box because I have liked all the ones you have unboxed. Thanks for sharing

Ronda Stothers: I love AIA. I received mine last week and decided I will be trying it starting in January. It was a great box as always. I hope you like it too.

Stephanie D: Great unboxing. I started getting it when purlisse was in it. That blue eyeliner looks great on you.

Gayle Macafee: Great hair products! I like their concept as well. I haven't decided whether I want to get this box or not. I'm still on the fence.

Amuula 99: Great box, night spa interesting TFS I hope you’re doing well

Beautifying Em Zee: Great products. I've been on the fence about this box and can't get myself to purchase. Have a blessed day!

T.E.A. Time Adventures: Hey Lady - Playing catch up on your videos. BTW, I do so love your hair. And you are a happy healthy glowy pink today :) I don't think AIA would be my kinda box....same reason why the new IPSY Glam X doesn't interest me. Quasi-celebrities in beauty and fashion just annoy me. Keep subscribing to things that bring you JOY!

Ruby Pink: I love this box dang I need to sign up

Single Mom Review: I love all the hair care products!

jenna rotella: Hi Jean, I'm liking what your have gotten in products

Jean Mikaloff: I would have rather had this box than the lippie one last time. Tempted to get hair is a fried mess! Love your videos.

Ashley Noneya: Great box. My hair is so long past my booty so I get tangles lol

Deb Richter: I have been thinking about getting that box. I did get the skin care one.

Becoming ME: I never heard of this. Im glad you shared!

Isabel Arce: Great hair products

Nancy Rounds: That stinks about the leaky product, my Boxy Charm had a bottle that was broken, reminds me I still have to send the picture to Customer Service. Looks like a great product and a great value, just not the best box this month for you.

fawn figures it out: That was a pretty good box I think, your hair is lovely though so this edition was maybe not for you beautiful lady ❤️

Mary's Corner: Hi gorgeous! Bummer one of the products leaked! I agree it's a nice concept but it's not something that is for everyone. Love ya my friend! Xoxoxo

MommaVapes Beauty: Awesome Unboxing

OVER SIXTY WITH FLAIR: My box had an opened product too that spilled all over everything. It was the same bottle that was leaking. How strange is that? Seems like nice products

Reviews With Sue: Hi Jean so sorry the box wasn’t a good fit for you this month. I get what your saying that you like the concept of it and it’s bimonthly. You made me laugh when you talked about Andrea & I. Hope you have a great day

Anjali Nanda: Great unboxing like the items

Estelle Zimmerman: I haven’t heard of this box. The products seem to be for long hair.

Jean Faciane: TFS❤️‍♀️

Alora Ogle: aww of course you have alot of subbers, your awesom!

Banning, Panning and Beyond: I don’t colour or heat style my hair and it’s still frizzy. Healthy but frizzy. I wish I had long sleek hair.

Carrie B: I've seen two other unboxings of this and that product leaked for them as well.

Cathy Milam: Good morning I haven't heard of this one either

Kimmy's Boxes: "a smell coming from it..."

fawn figures it out: I would have thunk for sure xxx

Banning, Panning and Beyond: I wouldn’t be happy with a box full of haircare.

Kc has opinions And terrible video skills: You are the second person I have seen in boxes that had that same product leaking

Kimmy's Boxes: Hey Jean!!!

Kimmy's Boxes: This box would be ok for long haired ladies...

Laura The Bargain Hunter: It seems like a nice box, but yeah, it’s definitely not for your hair type.

Banning, Panning and Beyond: What a shame you had a product that leaked too.

Laura The Bargain Hunter: Hi Jean!

AllieBow: This box wasn’t my favorite.

Life with Lois: Good Morning

Musakir Tanete: Saya suka cewek cantik cara penjelas nya

fawn figures it out: I am first yay!,

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