Lets Talk Closures (Silk And Lace)



Hey guys, it's me and I'm coming to a video about closures. So recently I just purchased a new closure. Besides the one I had already the soap, the late space. I got me a silk base closure and it's Chinese silky hair, and I have yet to find some hair to match it. Yet so I'm thinking Filipino magically, but let me show you the closure. This is silk base closure. This is what looks like you could part of it anywhere, and this is what the back looks like and it has a little lace towards the top, so they blend in with your hairline, better lay flatter and, like I say you don't have to bleach tonight, wait Silk: lace: silk base closures; some people tint the scalp, though so, commence their color. They scalp. I guess when I trying, but if you need a darker, some people dip it in tea like hot tea and it put like a slight tint to it, make it darker and then some people just use concealer but yeah. This is how it looks like i said this is Chinese silky hair and actually bought this quoted from someone over line on facebook. Okay, now my lace closure. I actually got this lace closure made and i think i paid i forget how much I paid for it. I was check it out, but yeah I bleached nuts and then and that's what kind of brassy like you are looking. So I use the generic Claire washer marine rights, shim realize original conditioner shampoo and it's like a purple color and what I do is it canna neutralizes the brassy tones the orange in it, and it just gives a little more for you so think about lace, closure, Which I happen so is their fight transparent. You should bleach the night see you can see through date, so I put this fabric underneath it, because what they do you can see. This is hallets would know fabric underneath, and then I put the fabric on to me. It looks like this, so that's how it looks. I use the band method, so I put bands on the side of it and some in the back. What I do is I just pull some of my hair on the front and then just put the clothes on can't like that you're gon na just brush it. This is how loose and you can part it anywhere - why you just came out like that and yeah and when I believe, the not to also also get bleach on the roots of the hair. So it was like blinding the roots. So I have to go back in with some black hair dye and a mascara brush and touch up the roots. That'S why you can see like it's dark. Then it goes it's like wan na be so if you have any questions, just let me know leave a comment or hit me on my box, and i would get back to you guys sooner than later, thanks for watching - and i will see you guys later - bye

Jasmine Jeanty: I love the fabric method! I have a hard time blending in my lace closure, never thought about using fabric! Thanks! Trying this asap!

NETSIL TRYBE: That was actually the most sensible review. I appreciate it. Hope to learn more from you.

Erykah Tee: Looks good girl I'm lovin my closure

Nina Dancer: Love the way u explained how this lace closure is worn also how u added your own ideas,,,,I think I will purchase one it looks so nice on u,,,,,

badbitchredd: Yessss this the best video of explaining the silk base closure

badbitchredd: Yessss this the best video of explaining the silk base closure

Timeless Ke: Love it!

Valencia P: Which one do you prefer ?

nolatrini868: how can i get the closure ur wearing in this video?

melony23mj: Thanks for the info... if u have time checc out my channel I have a few reviews... also thx

MEOWCOLM X: i used one of those lil tight footies u wear when u wear flats

MEOWCOLM X: thanks and i checked out ur vids and u are beeeeeeeyond gorgeous O_O lol

Elle: How can i join the fb group?

poohray12: ok is silk closure more natural and where did u buy scalp material

MEOWCOLM X: me too!!!!

MEOWCOLM X: @dominiquetereeseable i dnt kno any stores that sell em. i get them for ppl tho

Nail It Keluxe: Thnx for shwin the differences also

Brooklyn’s Best: Nice

MEOWCOLM X: @Jesuskee its not a group to by only hair or anything

Nail It Keluxe: Wht inch closure do u hv

MEOWCOLM X: 12 inch

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