Best Affordable Deep Red Lace Frontal Wig! Asteria Hair

Hair: Asteria 1b/99J Straight lace frontal wig 180% density 16"

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Asteria Hair 1B/99J Ombre straight hair Lace Front Human Hair Wigs

Asteria Hair straight 360 Lace Frontal Wig Pre Plucked With Baby Hair

Asteria hair Peruvian straight hair 3 bundles with clsoure

Asteria hair Brazilian body wave hair 3 bundles with closure

Asteria hair Brazilian straight hair 3 bundles with cloure

*Products used in this tutorial:*

Canvas wig head:

Tripod wig stand:



Water Bottle:

Denman Paddle Brush:

Airbrush Legs:

Facial trimmers:

Crockpot liner:

Flat iron:

Follow us on IG @GetGlamFam

Until next time! Take care, God bless, and stay glam! You know we love you boo!

Alison and Linwood

Hey Glenn Pam, so today's review is on Asteria hair. They sent this beautiful wig here in this package, but inside they also had these mink lashes, the wig cap and a stocking cap to put on under the wig. Let'S take this baby on out, so you guys can already see the color this week is gorgeous. It is a beautiful red tone with like a deep red root. It'S really unique. I honestly like the gradient on inside and I'll talk more about it later. The hair line is not pre plucked; it is not pre bleach on the knots, but I'm gon na show you a really simple way to take care of that, and I noticed no split ends or dryness in the wig. Absolutely wonderful. Now, on the inside, we had a comb in the nape with the elastic straps, as usual. Here are also some comes near the ear pieces and then, of course, you've got a standard lace, frontal right up in the front, as I stated earlier, they knots have not been bleached, as you can see here, and here line is pretty dense. We'Ve got about four and a half inches of parting to face hey glam fam. So this is the wig in the flesh - and I will say the color on is nice. Past is the shine. This is a 16 inch wig in 180 density in a medium wig cap size and right now they have them on sale. So this one is currently running for about 139. I will say this hair feels impeccably soft and to me the nice thing that I really like about, I must say impressed me, was the gradient on the color a lot of times, and you see these ombre type flips, where it's like. I'Ve got Ruby, look stuff like that. You tend to see a harsh line of demarcation with this one is blended, really well, and it even has that red tint on the dark hair. I don't see any greys whatsoever. Everything is really nicely covered and some of that red even goes all the way down to the Scout pieces of the wig. Now this does not have any pre tweezing gone on. So if you like a thicker hair line, you can customize to your liking. It also does not have any baby here, although it does have some short pieces right up in the bay area that come down to about where a long bang would so. I don't know exactly what that is. I guess if you wanted to turn it into a bang, there's your guideline, but otherwise I'm not really sure with that piece of before, but nonetheless I'm gon na go ahead and do some light tweezing around the hairline. Just so we don't have that Barbie hair mine. Look here we can kind of break that up a bit. I don't wan na get too crazy, so whatever you're doing that, what you want to do is take a water bottle. It'S gon na make the job a little easier for you and just mist right around the hairline, just like so once. I'Ve done that I'm just gon na go ahead kind of rush that hair back now, I'm gon na take a pair of tweezers. These came from my local Sally's, any tweezers will do and I'm just gon na begin kind of pulling back and tweezing out some of this hairline. Now you guys can see my whole wig is moving quite a bit. So this is when having those t pins - and things comes in really handy, so I'm just gon na go ahead and pop one there, I'm gon na go ahead and pop another one here anything to do it at first, because I was like I'm not gon na, Be doing a bunch of bleaching and all that, but I'm gon na go ahead and just begin going it in there and kind of removing some of that hair from the front hairline. Just like that now you don't want to get too crazy with this step, because honestly, you may want to leave this right hand is a little bit thicker and then from that we're gon na do is I'm just gon na come in just behind that, and this Is where I'll begin to tweeze a little heavier is on the backside of those sections there? Okay, so I'm gon na go ahead and speed through this and then we'll get into the nitty-gritty, alright, so periodically. I want to go ahead and just take that here and give it a good combing where you've been tweezing. This way you can kind of easily see if you've removed enough. So this is the hair that I have tweeze doubts so far and I'm gon na go ahead and pull that hairline back again and check and see what I think. So if you guys can kind of see there is still kind of thick, but it's not quite as thick as what you see down here. So basically you can go in and tweak this to your liking. I'M gon na tweeze it a bit more and then from there I'll bounce back and see you guys alright. So once I've got that tweets to my liking, I'm gon na go ahead and take these pins on out of here and I'm gon na flip. This baby inside out now, typically this is where you'd be bleaching nuts, but again I want to go for a bit if it easier tutorial this time, so I'm gon na go ahead and flip her inside out, like so and then from there. I'M gon na go ahead and place it back on the wig head by the way I've got links to everything I'm using in this tutorial in the description box down below. So if you have questions about anything, make sure you check there first, okay, so once we have this done, I'm gon na go ahead and take a little bit of the Sally, Hansen's airbrush legs and the nice thing about this is it allows you to get that Light color to your knots without having to worry about potentially awful processing, causing shedding from your wigs things like that when you're dealing with these wigs, you do want to make sure you're taking that and just try to match it up as much as possible to your There we go to your skin tone, so obviously this is deeper than me because it's for Allison, but that we go and kind of see what it's looking like there. I'M just gon na go ahead and go in there and begin Springs. The underside of this lace. Okay, paying special attention to that hairline like so now the nice thing about this is you can layer it as heavy or as light as you want to, and it comes off easily with soap and water after about a minute, I'm gon na. Take it off of here and then I'll flip it back inside out. So once it stops looking shiny on there, you'll know it's good to go ahead and flip inside our right side, right side out and then from there you'll go ahead and continue forward with the process. So I'm just going to go ahead and take those pins out and flip it, and you will want to make sure that you've got a damp cloth and just encase, so you guys can see just like how it gets on the wig ahead there. I do have a plastic. This is actually a crock-pot liner that I keep on my canvas block just so it doesn't stain up the actual fabric on there and that way the fabric is not able to absorb a bunch of hair, color and products. Things like that. Just help sure your canvas block to last a bit longer. So if anyone was ever wondering it's a crock pot liner, not what I'm gon na do here is I'm just gon na begin to lay the hair down around this part line. You don't need anything special ready to do it. I'M just gon na use a little bit of water, and that way I can begin to comb that hair right on down around there. Now, if any of the, if any of the airbrush legs have gotten on top. Basically, what you would just do is just take your damp towel and lightly rub around that part line or around areas that are exposed, and that way you could easily remove the remainder of the product from the hair and you'd be good to go. Don'T mind that noise, it's just my Instagram notifications once that part line has finished drying which you can use a blow dryer to help out with that, I did because I don't want to wait all day on a part line. I'M going to go ahead and my facial tremors and honestly, you could just use some kitchen sitters. You could use whatever scissors you wanted to, but I, like my facial tremor issues because they make my life a little easier in a day to day. So why not? Use them on a wig, you know what I'm saying so, I'm gon na go ahead and take those and I'm gon na find a line in here that I like and begin to even these babies to see the nice full lying across the bottom. Now to me I don't usually go for this, but I honestly think that I want to try it this time so we'll see how this goes and see how Houston likes it and I'll go ahead and get it on her from here and, like you, guys, have A look, alright, clamp em, so you've got this on alizée Jenkins yeah, basically like this is what it's looking like just pop on their house, and you want to lean forward showing the part line, all that you know that when they came to Oz, yeah show your Entire soul show it off Bay entire life. Let them see what you're all about Shawn hug, your savior is a scum. Do they know the Lord anyway, so from there we're gon na go ahead? I'M just gon na put a flat iron to it here and there just to kind of put a little bit of umph to the end. So I'm gon na do what I would consider a lazy flat iron and keep it moving, because you don't always have time to be trying to do no fold out like oh, let me flat on my entire life away, but sometimes you just want to look like You care about yourself just a little. You know I'm saying like I'm about to go to grocery store. My kid is bad. I don't snatched out my real hair, but I want to make sure my wig looks a mine eye. So that way, I don't look like that. Mom in the store. You know you don't want to end up on people of wal-mart calm, all right. So, of course, let us know if you guys think down in the drop box below in the comments all that loveliness. Do you like this color is too loud on? How is a do you think it looks good on her? Do you think that we should adopt a boy? What do you think that we should cuz? We happen to mom those Chronicles over? What do you think I was a it's nice. I can't wait to see what I can do with it. Just because I haven't had color this good before, like usually when you color hair, it's all like got these differential spots and stuff in it. So yeah. I think it's really good, hey Jenna this week here was only 139 really wow. That'S amazing, hello! The place as always you guys, let's don't you think down below until next time, take care, god bless, stay clam and don't forget to check out Asteria, hair, calm I'll, put all the links in the description box down below. If you want yo Eve to look like this, they do have it in several other colors, so you can get it in this color. You can get it in a brighter red. If you want to go like Charli Baltimore red, if you know who Charli Baltimore is they've got purple, I think they've got blue. They even got like, I think, green and orange. I don't know but yeah this one here is the 99 J with the one B. But honestly it's even got that red tone up here. So yeah anyhow until next time take care. God bless. Take Liam. You know: yeah bye,

GlamFam Hair & Beauty: *Products used in this tutorial:* Canvas wig head: Tripod wig stand: T-Pins: Tweezers: Water Bottle: Denman Paddle Brush: Airbrush Legs: Facial trimmers: Crockpot liner: Flat iron: Love you GlamFam! Linwood

Charity Drakeford: Bout time we saw Alison again! She looked tired, but she’s always beautiful in every unit y’all review!

HoniBear64: Okay Ms Chaka Khan go girl. You look great as usual. ❤️❤️

MakeupMenaree: I love that color on her! Gorgeous!

L G: Get it girl! This'color is HOT on you! Linwood, you're Amazing!

Belinda C: Allison is too adorable you can tell she keeps you on your toes great wig!

Marissa JOAT: I really appreciate how much time you put into explaining and teaching . I need to try this hair on my YouTube channel like now ❤️❤️❤️

brenda james: The wig is beautiful and looks gorgeous on Alison. You made it look so natural. Great video!

Latisa Wooten: Looks nice on Allison! Pretty color wig!! TFS! ❤️❤️

Crafting with Angie: Awwwww....Ally looks so beautiful as always. I am really loving this color on her. :)

Moneek Small: Absolutely love that wig! Beautiful.

Chanae Brown: Seeing Alison dance at the beginning of the video made my whole day! It looks really cute on her!

Zoelife913 H: OMG!!!! I LOVE THIS UNIT!!!! I’m going to purchase one!

Kat: I love the color I think the wig would look nice if it had layers or a nice flip to it.

L B Hawkins: Hey GlamFam, I really like this piece, the color is beautiful, thanks. Blessings

Jemieka Muldrow: Gorgeous love it

Read Love Listen: This looks fly! I will add this to my repertoire.

Princessa G: Very nice unit! The co,or is gorgeous The prices are very very good

Carla W.: The spray instead of bleaching the knots is genius! I have been hesitant to purchase a wig in the past for this reason. This here, this is a game changer!

Deja Yang: I wish my bf could do this for me like you do for your wife. I love your channel ♥️♥️♥️

Tawana Thompson: That unit is stunning on Allison. That color is definitely doing its job for her. Yassss!!

Midnight Club 517: C'mon GlamFam family, was there any doubt that this would look anything but glorious? Great job! Don't trust myself with the clippers to cut like that but, keep letting me believe I can!

Cynthia Cummings: Loving this color on Allison.. I would definitely need mine pre-plucked. I've never done that before. I'd for sure jack that hairline all up.

trinajones73: Love the wig and the color! Love your channel!

sounique2003: The wig look lovely!!! I love the color on it and Allison.

Win Rich: Great video. I love that color on Alison. I love burgundy period. She had the right shade of lipstick. Just gorgeous

ANGELAMARY FUSSEY: The color is beautiful on her. And you make me laugh.

SEXYTT: Thank You Linwood, this video was very helpful. I like the color it looks good!

msmcnabb25: It look so natural

Sinndy Morr: The color is lovely on her. That company did a great job on the color. The color does not look spray painted on, lol. Nice shine but not a fake shine.

Jasmine Moon: Beautiful wig on a beautiful lady!

J. Goodie: That is a beautiful it on you!

Latonia Bradford: Hey Alison, great color, great wig, lipstick is perfect, makeup is flawless. good job Mr. Linwood. .........

Mary Burse: I love that color and she is beautiful in it.

sabrina adams: I am so happy to see her. She always makes me smile

sw33tnycandy: I like it, looks amazing.

MakeupMenaree: Come through with that Johnny Depp 21 Jump Street hair Lin! Yass!

Doris Williams: that color is good on her, her wigs are always amazing​, the best I have seen

JG BLESSING🔥💯: Beautiful!

Teresaboo the fantastic: That hair is life on her

Sharon Browne: Oh that colour is really nice. It looks good on Alison. I love it!

Rochelle McKinney: Beautiful color and it looks good on Allison.

Adena Riley-Jordan: Absolutely beautiful you look great in it and no matter what color you put on you look fabulous and your husband is fabulous the family is great I love you

linda walker: I love the color and the wig. I’m still laughing about you saying they snatched out all there hair with they bad kids because it’s so

tammie williams: Allison, this one looks beautiful on you.

Michelle Daniels: Love it!!!

MsQueen Shelle: I'm down to 3% but I am watching this video BEFORE I go to bed. In that order!!!! I don't have a Linwood so I will never be buying this wig. Beautiful tho!!!

Tralaina Jackson: I love that color and she looks gorgeous

Victoria S: Beautiful!

LisaMarie: Love it!!!

Jacqui S: Wow, you look gorgeous. The color compliments your skin tone.

Jackie Hazel: I think that this color is soo beautiful on Allison!

angela anderson: Love you guys... enjoyed the video.. Really like.wig and its color looks beautiful... Thank you for sharing this video..

Autumn Rain: Hey GLAMFAM! It's Lorraine! The style and color looks great. The front of my hairline right in the middle of my forehead rubbed out. How do I get the bald area to grow back?

twinatall246: Beautiful on you. Love the color on you.

Ebony Love: Hi Linwood how are you doing I'm so happy you're back with a new wig that color looks gorgeous on Alison love the sheerness and the softness of the wig and the color fits her keep up the good work because honey you can hook up some hair maybe one day you can open up shop in Tennessee jk but take care God bless and stay glam love you bye guys and tell zandria and zalina hi beautiful babies you have

Gina C: This wig is super beautiful Alison and you too

Ann Crane: Somebody feeling there self in this wig? That's a nice wig looks good.

Dulces: Still on the fence about buying a wig but your wife looks great and I am liking your curls. my curls are acting up and now my hair wants to act like I flat iron it(i haven't in 3months) until you get to my ends and it waves up.

Ericka Colden: Great job, I love love wigs make me happy , love ur channel

Carlese: I love you guys! Thanks for uploading!!

Felicia Dunn: That color on you looks gorgeous.

Crystal D: So gorgeous on Allison

NicCole Weinberg: Gorgeous!! Love the color. I've been watching lots of your videos to learn about taking care of wigs and wearing them, and I have a question: does all the info also apply to white people? Sorry if that's stupid, but I've watched some "white people wigs" and they're not as informative as your channel. I'm just curious if race matters to any of this stuff?

Rouchelle Perry: Hey beautiful. Looking good lady in red!

Venita H Litty: Love that hair color

Latoya Jackson: Allison is gorgeous..the color looks great!

Vivian Dorsey: I like this wig. You did a great job! I like bangs. ( don’t like my forehead) Can you make a video using a wig like this with bangs?

Sincere Presence: !! I luv it!! Esp that COLOR! Cut is a Perfect sweep!! GlamFam

Pat White: I love that Color. That one looks good on her to

MakeupMenaree: Get it gurl!!

Oonagh72: I like. Miss Allison is feeling herself.


NGSrekzo: It looks real good on her

Winter Land: That wig looks good on Allison aka Alize....the color is bomb

THE Connie Lee: I have this color in my hair now, but without the 1B. This looks fab on Alisson, and dancing was bomb; but the music though. Smh. LOL!!

Lilliandesu: "Those chronicles are over." LMAO -- live your best life!

Arniessie Owens: It's definitely you. Love it!

sabrina adams: it

Ms T: Mr. Darkis...My ability to can with you is gone. LOL Alison we love ya hun looks good on you. #GlamFam4Life

curliefro: Allison looks fab!

Sincere Presence: Hold On!! I KNOW I'm not seeing 2 thumbs down!!! No, somebody's not gadget friendly

Honey Kiss Royalty: Ayee get it girl, love it.

Chantel Lee: Love it! U the bomb,and u are funny

Benenia Cox: very pretty

ToriZee: This is cute!!!

Pamela Johnson: I looked at the picture Alison you looked a bit Asian at first, the wig and color looks great on you

Kat313: Yes adopt a boy! The wig is beautiful.

Renee Roberts: I think it’s Gorgeous!!!!! I c u girl!!! Yasssss.

Sharon Browne: Linwood how many people actually think your wife is named Alize? LOL

Linda S. Smith: This color looks nice on you. Like this wig.

Giovana Samara: 4:57 Well, I wish... I just checked some images and the lightest color ("Fairest") is about 4 shades darker than my scalp, so... Bleaching it is. :(

R Oki: Yes The video starts with Alison Jammin!!!!

Kelly Traylor: Nooooo I don't want to end up on people of Walmart lol I feel like life has reached its lowest when you end up there

Vee: "Ask them do they know the Lord "...

Janice Smith: The red is good on her. Can you explain why the nots have to be done

Esther Sowell: Hey geourgeous and handsome husband it look great on her I need to try some color

Deborah Green:

R Oki: Crock pot liner.... Good Idea.

R Oki: It is a nice color! Oh wait you just dropped an adoption request on her?? Ha Ha

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